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- Joseph Ackerman (biophysics; cancer; imaging; mathematical modeling; neurobiology)
- Maxim Artyomov (systems immunology, systems biology, computational biology, RNA-seq)
- Xander Barnes (Drug development to eradicate HIV/AIDS.)
- Philip Bayly (MR imaging of motion, mechanics of brain injury, impact, vibration, wave motion)
- Mikhail Berezin (biophysics, cancer, electrochemistry, fluorescence, nanotechnology, imaging and spectroscopy instrumentation)
- Jan Bieschke (protein folding, Parkinson`s, Alzheimer`s, microscopy, biophysics)
- Robert Blankenship (photosynthesis)
- Gregory R. Bowman (combining simulation and experiment to understand protein conformational changes, their role in signaling, and opportunities they present for drug design)
- Thomas Brett (biophysics, crystallography, molecular medicine, asthma, mucosal immunology,endocytosis, receptor trafficking, structural biology, structure based drug design)
- George Broze (blood coagulation; atherosclerosis; biochemistry; kinetics; vascular biology)
- Anders Carlsson (actin; cytoskeleton; cell motility; cross-linking)
- ShiNung Ching (Control of neural dynamics; Biophysical modeling of multiscale brain networks)
- Mark Conradi (helium-3, NMR, MRI, hyperpolarized, gas MRI, lungs, emphysema, COPD)
- Jianmin Cui (allosteric regulation, calcium, drug mechanisms, epilepsy, ion channel, structure-function analysis)
- Ram Dixit (cytoskeleton, microtubules, molecular motors, Optical molecular imaging, plant biology)
- Elliot Elson (cytoskeleton, signal transduction, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, tissue engineering, cell/tissue mechanics)
- Alex Evers (anesthetics, photolabeling, mass spectrometry, proteomics)
- Daved Fremont (immunology, virology, structural biology, viral immune evasion, cytokine receptors, signaling, protein trafficking)
- Carl Frieden (apoE lipoproteins,, intrinsically disordered proteins, amyloid-beta, Alzheimer’s Disease, bacterial infection, curli proteins)
- Eric Galburt (biophysics, molecular motors, optical trapping, transcription)
- Roberto Galletto (mechanistic studies of DNA motor proteins; single Molecule Biochemistry)
- Guy Genin (Understand how hierarchical mechanical, chemical, and electrophysiological factors contribute to important pathologies including traumatic brain injury, viral replication, and cardiac fibrosis)
- Steven George (Tissue engineering with particular interest in creating microphysiological systems, vascularizing engineered tissues, and linking optical and mechanical properties of tissue)
- Gregory Grant (protein structure, protein function, allosteric regulation, enzymology, biochemistry)
- Michael Greenberg (myosin, actin, single molecule, optical trapping, muscle, cardiac, stem cells, engineered tissue, molecular motors, mechanosensing)
Michael Gross (amyloid beta biophysics, biochemistry, biophysics, mass spectrometry, protein-protein interaction, protein structure)
Richard Gross (phospholipase A2, diabetes, obesity, receptor, myocardial ischemia, lipid metabolism)
Kathleen Hall (RNA, NMR, RNA:protein interactions, fluorescence, thermodynamics)
Jim Havranek (molecular specificity, Computational Protein Design, Synthetic Biology, Protein-DNA Interactions)
Jeffrey Henderson (bacterial pathogenesis, host-pathogen interactions, iron, mass spectrometry, medicinal chemistry, metabolomics)
Dewey Holten (biophysics, molecular imaging, photosynthesis)
Jim Huettner (stem cells, differentiation, synapse biology, receptor, ion channel)
Tao Ju (molecular imaging, geometric algorithms, anatomical modeling, computer graphics, biomedicine)
Sandor Kovacs, Jr. (biophysics, cardiology, cardiovascular physiology, echocardiography, imaging, mathematical modeling)
Gregory Lanza (imaging, molecular imaging, ultrasound, magnetic resonance spectroscopy, drug delivery)
Matthew D. Lew (in-vivo imaging, 3D super-resolution microscopy, single-molecule fluorescence, computational optics)
Jr-Shin Li (computational mathematics, control theory, optimization, dynamical systems, MRI, NMR, neuroscience)
Weikai Li (blood coagulation, crystallography, enzymology, membrane proteins, molecular medicine, structural biology)
Christopher Lingle (ion channel, protein structure, neurobiology, physiology, cell signaling)
Cynthia Lo (computational biology, computational chemistry, material physics, mathematical modeling, metals, photosynthesis)
Garland Marshall (computational biology, molecular modeling, protein structure, GPCR/G-protein, signal transduction)
Robert Mercer (cell membrane, development, Na K-ATPase, excitable tissue, cell volume)
James Miller (Bayesian, diabetes, echocardiography, myocardial ischemia, nonlinear, osteoporosis, ultrasound)
D.P. Mohapatra (Neuronal Excitability, Ion Channels, GPCR, Membrane Biology, Neurophysiology, Pain, Cancer, Rodent Behavior, Cellular Signaling, Neuroprotection)
Kristen Naegle (computational molecular systems biology, post-translational modifications, signal transduction and proteomics)
Colin Nichols (ion channel, neurobiology, functional genomics, cell signaling, kinetics)
Rohit Pappu (Huntington`s disease; polyglutamine aggregation; intrinsically disordered proteins; phase transitions in cell biology; self-assembly; transcriptional regulation; small-scale systems biology & interaction networks)
Amit Pathak (Biomechanics, biomaterials, mechanobiology of the cell, and interactions between cells and extracellular matrices)
Gary Patti (metabolomics, mass spectrometry, metabolic pathway, bioinformatic tools, metabolites, therapeutic metabolomics)
David Piston (Studies of the molecular pathways of islet hormone secretion)
Jay Ponder (molecular modeling, protein structure, computational chemistry, molecular dynamics simulation, protein engineering)
Yoram Rudy (ion channels, protein dynamics, cardiac cell electrophysiology, cardiac imaging)
Paul Schlesinger (apoptosis, ion channel, biophysics, physiology, endocytosis)
Jin-Yu Shao (blood coagulation, cell/tissue mechanics, inflammation, modeling, molecular biomechanics, protein-protein interaction)
Jonathan Silva (cardiac, bioelectricity, ion channel, sodium channel, action potential, modeling, electrophysiology, voltage clamp fluorometry)
Srikanth Singamaneni (biomimetic sensors, plasmonic biosensors, nanostructures, transduction platforms)
Joseph Henry Steinbach (receptors, neurobiology, biophysics, pharmacology, synapse biology)
Gary Stormo (computational biology; genome analysis; gene expression; mathematical modeling)
John-Stephen Taylor (cancer, drug delivery, imaging, mutagenesis, nanotechnology, telomere)
Lan Yang (nanotechnology, photonics, material physics)
Peng Yuan (x-ray crystallography, electrophysiology, membrane proteins, ion channels, ion transporters)
Hani Zaher (translation, ribosome, RNA, fidelity, peptide-bond formation, pre-steady state kinetics, translational regulation)
Fuzhong Zhang (synthetic biology, metabolic engineering, regulatory systems, cellular biosensor, biofuels, pharmaceuticals)
Charles Zorumski (synapse biology, ion channel, glutamate, GABA)