Alumni Students Current Students
Raul Alcantara M.A., 2007, Guallar lab. Currently: Bioinformatician at Centro Nacional de Analisis Genomico |
Jennifer Alexander-Brett Ph.D., 2006, Fremont lab. Currently: Physician at BJC |
Bryan Balthazor M.S., 2013 Currently: Senior Associate Scientist for Pfizer |
Rajiv Bhatanagar M.D./Ph.D., 1998, Gordon lab. Currently: Physician, Palo Alto Medical Foundation |
Keith Bjornson Ph.D., 1996, Lohman lab. Currently: Principal Scientist, 10X Technologies |
Tina Bradford M.S., 2013 Galburt lab. Currently: Graduate Fellow at National Science Foundation |
Mike Bradley Ph.D., 2009, Baker and Chivers labs. Currently: Senior Scientist, Biochemistry at Syros Pharmaceuticals |
J. Michael Bradshaw Ph.D., 1999, Waksman lab. Currently: Senior scientist, Principia Biopharma |
Serawit Bruck Ph.D., 2007, Shaw lab. Currently: Scientific Director, Sidaction |
Ye Che Ph.D., 2003, Marshall lab. Currently: Senior Principal scientist, Pfizer. |
Alan Chen Ph.D., 2009, Pappu lab. Currently: Assistant Professor RNA Institute and department of Chemistry at SUNY Albany |
Wei Cheng Ph.D., 1999, Lohman lab. Currently: Ara G. Paul Assistant Professor, Univ. of Michigan |
Marla Chesnik M.A., 2006, Lohman lab. Currently: Research Technologist II, Medical College of Wisconsin |
Quoc D. Dang M.D./Ph.D., Di Cera lab. Currently: Physician, St. Louis, MO |
Paul Darling, III Ph.D., 1999, Ackers lab. Currently: Managing Principal, ZS Associates |
Peggy Daugherty Ph.D. 1994, Ackers lab Currently: Colorado College, Associate Professor, Chair of Chemistry |
Maria del Mar Ingaramo M.A., 2006, Lohman lab. Currently: Postdoc Fellow (IRTA), NIBIB, Bethesda, MD |
Thalia Farazi M.D./Ph.D., 2001, Gordon lab. Currently: Associate Medical Director at Genentech, Rockefeller University |
Prafull Gandhi Ph.D., 2010, Di Cera lab. Currently: Senior Scientist, Haemostasis Biochemistry at Novo Nordisk A/S |
Annie Gitomer-Schwartz Ph.D., 2014, Thomopolous lab. |
Rick Grucza Ph.D., 2000, Waksman lab. Currently: Associate Professor, Psychiatry, WUStL |
Reece Hart Ph.D., 1998, Ponder lab. Currently: Research and Engineering Fellow at InVitae in San Francisco, CA |
Jeff Henderson Ph.D., 2000, Heinecke lab. Currently: Physician at BIRCWH, Washington University School of Medicine |
Andrew Herr Ph.D., 1999, Waksman lab. Currently: Associate Professor, Division of Immunobiology, University of Cincinnati |
Michael Hodsdon M.D./Ph.D., 1997, Cistola lab. Currently: Medical Fellow at Eli Lilly and Company |
Kirk Hou Ph.D., 2013, Wickline lab. Currently: Intern Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Louis |
Joe Ippolito M.D./Ph.D., 2006, Gordon lab. Currently: Instructor Radiology, Molecular Imaging Center, WUSTL. |
Olena Ivashyna Ph.D., 2010, Schlesinger lab. Currently: Senior Software Developer at LANDesk Software |
Yanfei Jiang Ph.D., 2013, Elson lab |
Brian Keith M.A., 2003, Gibson-Brown lab |
Sung Joon Kim Ph.D., 2004, Jacob Schaefer lab. Currently: Assistant Professor of Bochemistry, Baylor University |
Yong “Mike” Kong Ph.D., 1997, Ponder lab. Currently: Associate Director, Bioinformatics, Yale University |
James Kranz Ph.D., 1998, Hall lab. Currently: Investigator at GlaxoSimthKline |
Sun Joo Lee Ph.D., 2010, Baker lab. Currently: Postdoc in Colin Nichols lab at Washington University |
Matthew Leevy Ph.D., 2005, Gokel lab. Currently: Research Associate professor, ND Integrated Imaging Facility, University of Notre Dame |
Ying Li Ph.D., 2000, Waksman lab. Currently: Scientist at Biohelix, Beverley, MA |
Vince Luca Ph.D., 2012, Fremont lab. Currently: Postdoc, Stanford University |
Aaron Lucius Ph.D., 2004, Lohman lab. Currently: Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of Alabama Birmingham |
N. Karl Maluf Ph.D., 2003, Lohman lab. Currently: Senior Research Scientist at Alliance Protein Laboratories in San Diego, CA |
Albert Mao M.D./Ph.D., 2013, Pappu lab Currently: Clinical Fellow in Anesthesia at Massachusetts General Hospital |
Caroline Maynard Ph.D., 2010, Hall lab |
Alyssa (Meheen) Petersen M.A., 2006, Chivers lab. Currently: GC Chemist at ALS Environmental |
Artem Melnykov Ph.D., 2010, Hall lab. Currently: Postdoc in Elliot Elson’s lab at Washington U. School of Medicine |
Deanna Mendez Ph.D., 2012, Elgin lab. Currently: Postdoc in Sarah Elgin’s lab at Washington University in St. Louis |
Emma Morrison Ph.D., 2014, Henzler-Wildman lab. Currently: Postdoc in Catherine Musselman’s lab at University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine |
Murad Nayal M.D./Ph.D., 1996, Di Cera lab Currently: Market Risk Modeling, Vice President Goldman Sachs in New York |
Andy Norris M.D./Ph.D., 1996, Li lab. Currently: Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Biochemistry, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine |
Grant Nybakken M.D./Ph.D., 2006, Fremont lab, Currently: University of Pennsylvania, Pathology |
L. Revell Phillips Ph.D., 2005, Nichols lab. Currently: Program Manager, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Alexandria, VA |
Geoffrey Ravilious Ph.D., 2012, Jez lab. Currently: Technology Transfer Specialist at National Cancer Institute (NCI) |
Rachel Rice M.A., 2009, Baker lab. Currently: RN BSN at Duke University Hospital |
Marc Sherman Ph.D., 2014, Cohen lab. Currently: Clinical rotations. |
Scott Showalter Ph.D., 2005, Hall lab. Currently: Associate Professor, Pennsylvania State University |
Gabe Soto M.D., Ph.D., 1999, Hultgren Lab. Currently: Physician, Cape Girardeau, MO |
Andreas Vitalis Ph.D., 2009, Pappu lab. Currently: Postdoc in Amedeo Calfisch’s lab in University of Zurich |
Tetsuro Wakatsuki Ph.D., 1999, Elson lab. Currently: Chief Scientific Officer at Invivosciences LLC |
Eric Welsh Ph.D., 2003, Marshall lab. Currently: Core Staff Scientist at Moffitt Cancer Center |
Deryck Jeremy Williams Ph.D., 1999, Hall lab. Currently: Disease Control Platform Lead, Chemistry Technology at Monsanto |
C. Jason Wong Ph.D., 2006, Lohman lab. Currently: Scientist at Bristol-Myers Squibb |
Chao Wu Ph.D., 2016, Henzler-Wildman lab. Currently: Postdoc in Gaya Amarasinghe’s lab at Washington University |
Justin Xiang Ph.D., 2013, Ponder lab. Currently: Senior Scientist at Schrodinger |
Qingyi Zeng M.A., 1997 |